วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 Sep 2019

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2024

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Application for a Thai Birth Certificate 


How to submit the application

1. The child’s original Australian Birth Certificate must be authenticated by The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Please click here to book an appointment with DFAT for authentication service.

2. Prepare the following documents

                    - Fill out the child’s given name and surname in English (as appeared in the Australian Birth

                      Certificate) and in Thai (as they are pronounced in English).

                    - If the parents are not sure of the spelling of the child’s name, please contact us via email:

                      [email protected]

                    - If the father or mother is not a Thai citizen, his/her name has to spell in Thai.

  • An original and a copy of the child’s  Australian Birth Certificate which is ‘authenticated’ by DFAT
  • One current passport-sized photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm) of the child. Please write the child’s name and surname at the back of the photograph.
  • An original and a copy of parents’ passports and Thai national ID cards (For the non-Thai citizen, a copy of passport or a driver license is required)
  • An original and a copy of parents’ Thai/Australian marriage certificate
  • For non-married parents, should the parents wish their child to use the father’s surname, a consent form needs to be filled out together with the Thai Birth Certificate application form.
  • A copy of Thai house registration (For Thai parents)

3. Submit all the required documents and fill in the online application

4. The officer will contact you by email within 3 business days for the collection appointment.

For further inquiry, please send an email to