วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 Sep 2019

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2024

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Application for Thai National ID card


General Information

  • The first Thai national ID card is required to be done in Thailand.
  • Applicants eligible to apply for the Thai National ID card must have the previous card and the name must not be registered in Central House Registration.
  • Thai National ID card contains details of personal data in accordance with Thailand’s database on the House Registration system. In the case that the applicants wish to change the name title or surname after marriage or divorce, the applicants are required to apply for an amendment of his/her personal data at Thai District Offices in Thailand prior to applying for Thai National ID.


Applying for a Thai National ID card

  • Thai National ID card contains biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity so one must apply for a Thai National ID card in person only.
  • Applicants can renew the Thai National ID card up to 60 days prior to the expiry of the current card.
  • There is no charge for renewing the card, changing name title, or changing English’s spelling of name and surname
  • The application fee of AUD 6.00 (Cash or Debit Card Only) is applied in the cases of loss or damage, change of name, surname, or address. (The applicants are required to apply for an amendment of his/her personal data at Thai District Offices in Thailand prior to applying for Thai National ID)
  • Thai National ID cards will be issued immediately after the application process is completed.
  • Thai National ID form completely filled out.


Required Documents

 Renewal of Thai National ID card

  • Current Thai National ID card

Change of name or surname on Thai National ID card

  • Current Thai National ID card and Certificate of Name Change in Thailand

 Replacement of damaged card

  • Current Thai National ID card

 Change of name, title, or address

  • Current Thai National ID card

 Loss of Thai National ID card

  • Current Thai passport 
  • If the applicants do not have a Thai passport, Thai House Registration or Birth Certificate and an Australian Photo Identity showing the same name and last name as Thai National ID card, are required

 Loss or replacement of old-versioned Thai National ID card (black and white)

  • Thai passport or Household Registration or Thai Birth Certificate indicating 13-digited Thai Citizen Number as well as Australian Photo Identity showing the same name and surname as shown in the Thai documents.
  • If the Australian Photo Identity shows a different name and surname, the applicants must bring documents indicating the name change or a Marriage Certificate for identity proof.


For further inquiry, please send an email to [email protected]